Recent statements

Jan 2022 Invention in computer science has been replaced by observation
Jan 2022 The computer science research community writes papers rather than software
Jan 2022 The software industry largely ignores computer science research
Jan 2022 "When incentives to contribute to academic research are low, people will go where their contributions are valued more" supports ""In academia, there is no real incentive to do Human-Computer Interaction systems research " supports "HCI research produces few new architectures for interactive systems""
Jan 2022 When incentives to contribute to academic research are low, people will go where their contributions are valued more
Jan 2022 "In academia, there is no real incentive to do Human-Computer Interaction systems research " supports "HCI research produces few new architectures for interactive systems"
Dec 2021 "HCI systems research investigates how new software architectures can enable novel cross-application user interactions" opposes "All novel real applications should be considered HCI systems research"
Dec 2021 "HCI systems research investigates how new software architectures can enable novel cross-application user interactions" opposes "Trivial modifications to existing systems should be considered HCI systems research"
Dec 2021 HCI systems research investigates how new software architectures can enable novel cross-application user interactions
Dec 2021 Trivial modifications to existing systems should be considered HCI systems research